Dental Lab Resources
Routine Crown Prep By Dr. Cory Glenn As Seen On Dental Town
ER pt today. Broke the ML cusp #19 and had some lingual decay so I opted for zirconia crown. Asst wanted to reappoint and I was thinking “are you crazy? Put some topical on and I’ll be there in a minute”. Took 8 minutes to prep and impress and then asst another 5 to temporize. Why would you ever reappoint for that?
Video is with my new toy- Surgitel Loupe Cam. Only editing is a few seconds to make it HIPPA compliant where I showed pt face. Meising Occlusal Router bur to take 1.5 off the top and then a medium grit 014 round end tapered bur for the rest. Picasso laser retraction. Impression with triple tray and Genie VPS.
Assistant did a triple tray impression while anesthesia set in……….used a bur to hollow out the broken cusp back into the impression and then she made the temp with Integrity Bis Acryl. I was out after sticking the impression in the mouth.
-Dr. Cory Glenn DDS
This can be found on under routine crown prep.
Impression Troubleshooting PDF Guide can be found HERE

Learning to be Successful with a Digital Scanner
- You will have to manage the tissue so the margins are clearly visible.
- The scanner is a 3D video camera
- Understand that there are some cases that only a traditional impression will capture
- Learn techniques that work from other clinicians that are using their scanner successfully
Video Demonstrating Proper Impression Technique.
Closing Thoughts For Success
- Strive for Mastery! In everything we do – do it to the absolute best of your ability. What are the consequences to this way of thinking and mindset? Always Learning! Reading articles, trade magazines, YouTube- How to’s.
- Learn to love what you do! Learn to enjoy and never work a day in your life. Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm in your staff and family. Keep a great attitude.
- Develop systems & protocols Take time to think. Analyze your days and ask yourself: Am I making the best use of my time? What system could I incorporate that would make my day smoother? Develop protocols for your staff. What can I teach someone to take off of me? Make sure you do the important stuff.
- Inspect what you expect.
- Work with a lab that shares your values and abilities.